Starfield Build: Orozco's Prize

 Orozco's Prize


 Orozco's Prize is the next ship in my Junker (Spacer) build series. It is a Class-C ship that serves as the unofficial flagship of Orozco's Raiders.

When designing this ship, I wanted it to feel a little claustrophobic on the inside. As such, I avoided the large x3 and x2 habs in favor of the single width ones. I also wanted to bring a variety of Hab manufacturers into the mix, so I have included habs from every manufacturer but Stroud-Eklund. There are some Stroud structural pieces, but those just add to the idea that Orozco's Prize is constantly needed patchwork repairs and upgrades. I also added patchwork coloring to further enhance the idea that Orozco's Prize is not something that you could go down to the store and buy


"How's it going out there, Captain."

Benito looked up from the computer terminal. His expression would have been enough for Raime, his first mate, but Benito answered anyway.

"That last barrage hurt us. We managed the jump but the landing finished her off. Conklin reports that The Darrouzett isn't going anywhere now."

"What are we going to do?"

"News gets worse my eager young friend," Benito's voice cracked. His answer came out as a rasp, almost a whisper. 

"I've been monitoring the comm traffic. War's over. Both sides have abandoned the field. Even more disturbing is that I'm hearing snatches of broadcasts from the locals about finding crews stranded in derelicts. Both sides. Seems like the brass are already starting to tie everything off and get back to normal."

Raime was visibly shocked, "What does that mean Captain? Where does that leave us?"


Head Canon/Lore

Orozco's Prize is built from the remnants of a Panhandle-class vessel, originally christened the Darrouzett. It was severely damaged in a battle with UC ships. It was able to jump away but the subsequent crash landing finished her off.

Having learned of how both sides treated their veterans of the Colony War, Captain Benito Orozco decided to stay away from the politics, intrigue, and possible legal ramifications of returning to duty. To this day, the Darrouzett is listed as a Missing in Action and presumed lost.

But a crew has to eat and Orozco had a brilliant engineer named Andrew Conklin to help him patch together a working vessel from other derelicts and "barn" ships. Before long, they had a ship capable of earning them a living. At first Benito tried to create a private trade empire, but the post-war legal bloodbath seemed to be looking for any sort of sacrificial lamb. A close call with the Freestar Rangers convinced Benito and his crew that they would be hounded like an Ashta's prey. Deciding that, if they were going to be persecuted anyway, they might as well use all of those useful skills to take what they needed to survive. Thus began the organized crime syndicate known as Orozco's Raiders.

Eventually, Orozco's Prize became the flagship of a small group of smugglers, scavengers, and pirates. They operate out of a few systems Coreward from Cheyenne. They maintain decent relations with the other Spacer groups and even the Crimson Fleet, via tributes paid. Over time, the original crew has retired, been caught and tossed in jail, or died. Orozco has recruited far outside of the quality that he once commanded and is a relic of a bygone era. Perhaps it won't be too long for Orozco's Prize becomes somebody else's.


Color Swatches





  1. (5) Accu-Lander 11 Landing Gear
  2. (2) Galleon S202 Cargo Hold
  3. (2) HopeTech Thruster
  4. (2) Caravel V102 Shielded Cargo Hold
  5. Deimos Belly Aft
  6. Hope 4 LandingBay
  7. HopeTech Pipes A - Mid, attached to Lower Aft of fuel tank on the Lower Deck level.

Lower Deck

  1. (4) Hope 55 Landing Gear
  2. (2) 220 CB Landing Gear Port Side Color #1 and #2 are the two standard olive greens that are slightly desaturated. Color #3 is a dark gray. All standard swatches.
  3. Dunn 71 Engine
  4. 500 HT He3 Fuel Tank
  5. HopeTech Workshop 2x1
  6. (2) Nova Engine Strut
  7. (2) Stroud Engine Bracer
  8. Deimos Bracer A
  9. HopeTech Engineering Bay 3x1
  10. Nova Galactic Infirmary 2x1, Colors #1 and #3 are Red Swatch (above)
  11. HopeTech Hab Spine
  12. Hope 11 Docker - Fore
  13. Supernova 2200 Engine
  14. Apollo GV300 Grav Drive
  15. SF40 Sheared Flow Reactor
  16. HopeTech Pipes A - Mid
  17. 700T He3 Tan

Mid Deck

  1. HopeTech Captain's Quarters 2x1
  2. HopeTech Hab Spine
  3. HopeTech Control Station 2x1
  4. HopeTech Nose B - Fore
  5. Deimos Bracer A
  6. HopeTech Hab Crossbrace
  7. Equipment Plate, attached to Top point of Crossbrace
  8. Scan Jammer - Multi-Frequency, attached to Equipment Plate
  9. Deimos All-in-One Berth 3x1
  10. Taiyo Computer Core 2x1 Mid Color #1 is standard green
  11. Nova Engine Strut
  12. Taiyo Living Quarters 2x1
  13. Nova Galactic Armory 2x1
  14. Stroud Nose Cap E, Color #1 and #2 are standard dark grey, Color #3 is Red Swatch (above) 
  15. PBO-100 Auto Neutron Turret

Top Deck

  1. (3) Deimos Radiator
  2. Dunn 71 Engine
  3. 500t He3 Fuel Tank
  4. Overseer 400 Bridge, attaches to Fore, Top of Control Station
  5. Stroud Engine Bracer
  6. Deimos Living Quarters 3x1
  7. (2) HopeTech Radiator
  8. HopeTech Nose B
  9. (4) Equipment Plate
  10. Assurance SG-1800 Shield Generator
  11. Supernova 2200 Engine
  12. Galleon S202 Cargo Hold, Color #3 is Red Swatch
  13. Galleon S202 Cargo Hold, Color #1 is slightly desaturated standard Orange
  14. (2) Taiyo Mid Cap - Port Top, Color #1 is Blue Swatch. The Forward Mid Cap's color has been slightly desaturated
  15. (4) PBO-300 Alpha Auto Turret
  16. (2) PBO-100 Auto Neutron Turret




Assembly of the Orozco's Prize will start at the Top Deck and move downwards. Start by assembling each deck as shown above, but don't add the Supernova engines just yet. Leave the aft, port Hope-55 Landing Gear detached, but in a convenient area.

On the Top Deck, attach each weapon to the Equipment Plate closest to it. The two near the bridge will snap to the top of the bridge. Attach all three of the Deimos Radiator pieces to the top of the Fuel Tank and Dunn-71 engine. Now group select everything but the Supernova engine and place it onto the Mid Deck. The Overseer bridge should rest on top, forward of the Control Station.

Now that the Top Deck and Mid deck are stacked, there are a couple of steps needed to finish that part off. Connect the Equipment Plate to the top of the HopeTech Hab Crossbrace.  Attach the Scan Jammer to the Equipment Plate. Attach the PBO-100 Turret to the top of the Stroud Nose Cap.

Group Select the combined Top and Mid deck and stack it onto the Lower Deck. The Control Station should rest on top of the Workshop. Now it is time to attach the Supernova engines. See the Attaching the Supernova Engines section below on placing and merging the engines.

We're in the home stretch. Chances are that you don't have those HopeTech Pipes and port Thrusters position exactly where they will snap in nicely, so let's put those on first. The HopeTech Pipes connect underneath the other HopeTech Pipes between the Reactor and He3 Tank. Attach the HopeTech Thruster to the front of the He3 Tank underneath the Nova Engine Strut.

Group Select the rest of the Undercarriage and drag it over to the rest of the vessel. The undercarriage should snap in so that the other HopeTech Thruster is under the starboard Nova Engine Strut.

Attaching the Supernova Engines

Start by attaching the top engine as shown.

Duplicate the engine. It will create another engine below it and overlapping the original.

Duplicate the new engine. It will create a third engine that overlaps the second engine.

Delete the middle engine. The one that overlaps both the top and bottom engines. The two remaining engines will be vertically stacked, without any visible overlap. Reattach the landing gear.


The colors are suggestions. This is supposed to be a patchwork assembly so the colors are not intrinsic to the build, unlike my Vanguard Toliman-class. If they aren't perfect, that's fine. If they aren't even in the same ballpark, that's fine.

I may have gone into too much detail about the merging techniques, but since it is probably the most difficult part of the build to accomplish, I felt that it was a good idea.

Even though the Mobility is only 65, with Thrusters, she should be maneuverable enough to dogfight so the two turrets on top of the bridge might be replaced with cannon. I use the turrets for this because it is supposed to be more of a command ship. It has other, smaller and more maneuverable escorts to handle the dogfighting.

I chose the best reactor and shield because, again, it is supposed to be the flagship of a tiny little fleet.

And that's that. Thanks for getting to the end of a long, long build. I'll try to make the next one or two a little shorter.


  1. Now this is the kind of thing I’m talking about. An awesome build for function that doesn’t have clean lines but looks believable. Well done.

    1. Nolgroth here. Thanks. This one is my favorite of the Junker builds. It just came together really well.


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