
Showing posts from May, 2024

Starfield Build: Dependable-class

  Dependable-class Introduction Here is the Dependable-class. She was once the pride of the, now defunct, Deimos Commercial Fleet. Luckily, HopeTech purchased that division from Deimos and there is a lot of cross-compatibility. The Dependable-class is designed to hall freight as well as 2nd and 3rd class passengers  in berths that run underneath the fuel and power systems.  This particular Dependable-class, known as the Constant is one of the oldest examples of this model. It is run down, tired, and held together as much by faith as anything. It has a pretty limited jump range, but its power systems are so old that it has to divert power from weapons in order to jump. This is, in part, due to recent upgrades to the weapons and shield systems. For defense, the Constant is armed with two Disruptor 3320 Neutron Turrets and a Warden SG-100 Shield Generator. The old Nova engines have recently been supplemented with SA-4110 engines from Slayton Aerospace. The extra engine power provides enou

Video Tour: Dependable-class Vessel Custom Habs

The Dependable Custom Habs Tour The short video below is just to show off the new blank Habitat modules that can be decorated. The Dependable is a tramp freighter that takes on 2nd and 3rd class passengers, as well as cargo. The video clip only shows the scale of the vessel and the interior Habs that are custom.  I was unable to get the video small enough to publish directly to the blog, but instead had to publish it to YouTube. It will not appear in searches and can only be accessed by the Link: I did not narrate the video. It starts out at the front of the vessel and continues down the middle section, around the back and into the Landing Bay. The first thing you see is a passenger check-in. From there, it shows off the 2nd class staterooms, 3rd class bunkrooms, and Infirmary before heading up to the second floor. There you can see the common Mess Hall before the video ends. All of the Habs above the second floor are standard, pre-decorated Habs. A full b