Starfield Builds: Celestia



The Celestia is a B-class multi-purpose vehicle. It is a competent fighter, cargo transport, and passenger ship all at once. I don't remember which ship I built it from, but the Fuel Tank is beyond the character's Ship Design skill. It was most certainly a pirate ship of some sort, with "pirate" meaning any of the antagonistic factions out there.

The Celestia is greatly inspired by the Galaxy-class Freighter from the Wing Commander: Privateer game from a couple of decades past. That ship had much more narrow engine nacelles and they were mounted on thin rails. I think that this ship captures the overall feel of the Galaxy-class within the Starfield universe.


Head-canon Lore

The Celestia is a Galactic-class civilian transport built by the Deimos Staryard in the Sol system. The Galactic-class is a sleeper favorite of explorers, bounty hunters, and other adventurers who roam the galactic highways.


General Overview

The Celestia is truly a Jack-of-All Trades ship. A dedicated warship would have more weapon systems and maneuverability. A cargo carrier would load up on more cargo space. As is, it is designed for a character who is just starting to expand from basic A-class ships into the B-class and the first point in Ship Design.

The placement of the Slim Docker and modules gives it a single ladder column, not counting the landing bay at the rear of the ship. It is pretty easy to navigate. I included the ability to have some addition Crew stations, as well as a fair bit of passenger space as well.


Bottom Deck, Parts List

  • (2) Deimos Belly-Aft 
  • Deimos LD-120D Landing Bay 
  • Deflector SG-30 Shield Generator
  • (2) Acu-Lander 11 Landing Gear
  • Deimos 3x1 Engineering Bay 
  • 100 DP Slim Docker -Bottom attached to center slot of Engineering Bay
  • (3) Deimos Belly-Fore
  • (2) Hope 6 Landing Gear


Deck One, Parts List

  • 500T He3 Tank
  • (2) SA-4110 Engine
  • (4) Stroud Engine Bracer
  • (2) Stroud Braking Engine
  • Deimos Workshop 2x1 (Stbd)
  • Deimos Infirmary 2x1 (Middle)
  • Deimos All-in-One Berth 2x1 (Port)
  • (2) Storemax 50 Cargo Hold
  • Deimos 1x1 Companionway
  • (2) Deimos Bumper
  • Deimos All-in-One Berth [Passenger space for Mission Board missions]
  • (2) 200 CM Cargo Hold
  • Deimos Phobos Cockpit [choice] with PB-100 Particle Beams attached to the top and bottom.


Select all components and place them onto the bottom deck so that the fuel tank rests on top of the aft portion of the landing bay. Pictured

Deck Two, Parts List

  • (4) Storemax 40 Cargo Hold
  • R-3000 Alpha Grav Drive
  • Deimos Computer Core 2x1
  • Z-Machine 2000 Reactor
  • (2) Deimos Hull 1x1
  • (3) Deimos Cowling
  • Deimos Control Station 2x1
  • (2) Horizon Weapon Mounts with PB-100 Particle Beam attached to the upper point


Select all components. Snap the Computer core on top of the Infirmary. The Storemax Cargo Holds should be just above the Stroud Engine Bracers

Upper Engines and Structural, Parts List

  • (2) SA-4110 Engine
  • (2) Stroud Braking Engine
  • Deimos Tail A
  • (3) Deimos Spine B
  • Deimos Spine A-Fore


Select all components. Place so that the two engines rest on top of the Grav Drive and Reactor. The Deimos Tail should sit above the Fuel Tank.



  1. Really cool ship. I've just built it and will be uploading a review on my channel at the week end

  2. Awesome! Hopefully you have everything that you need. If not, I'll be happy to answer any of your questions.

  3. Your walkthroughs are very through, has no issue building it. The video will be up this week end. I'll certainly be making more reviews of your other ships.

  4. You are welcome to use as many or as few as you like. I've been posting them for my own edification. If you and your community can benefit, that's just a bonus.

  5. Wonderful build. This is what I turn the Razorleaf into on every playthrough now.

    1. Thanks so much for the comment. The idea that my build has been something you can make into something that you use has really made my day.


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