Starfield Builds: Stingwing




The Stingwing is an A-class interdiction fighter, designed to rapidly respond to hostile engagements. Inspired somewhat by the Rambler class ship, the Stingwing is long and sleek as opposed to bulky. In order to maintain maneuverability and jump range, cargo capacity is limited.

I named the ship, of course, on the Fallout 4 critter. The ship is built using the Razorleaf as the base. The engines and bracers, I believe, are the only parts that are carried over from the original vessel. It doesn't need to come from the Razorleaf, but those DT60 engines require a Starship Design skill of 3.

I chose to load it up with Vanguard Obliterators, as this ship was designed just after the initial Vanguard quest mission. Even at Very Hard difficulty, those six weapons are beasts. If you are more interested in capturing, as opposed to destroying, ships, then perhaps a more traditional approach of Lasers, Ballistics, and EM weapons would be a better loadout.

Of course, as Piloting and Ship Design skills are unlocked and improved, better components can be swapped in. My personal goal is to replace the reactor with a Class-B reactor that has enough power for me to mount a single, rear-facing turret on top of the cargo hold, thus fulfilling the inspiration from the ship's namesake.



Lower Deck, Parts List

  • Hope 5 Landing Gear, note that the landing gear attaches to the reactor on Deck 1
  • (2) Stroud Engine Bracer A, attached to forward connect points on 2x1 Hab
  • (2) DT60 Engines [salvaged from the Razorleaf], attached to bracers
  • Nova Galactic Living Quarters 2x1
  • 100 DP Slim Docker, attached to underside of Living Quarters, between the Stroud bracers.
  • Taiyo Ship Bed 200 Landing Bay, attached to the fore snap point on the 2x1 Hab
  • (2) Horizon Weapon Mounts, attached to the side points on the Taiyo Landing Bay
  • (4) Vanguard Obliterator Particle Weapons, attached to Horizon mounts

Deck 1, Parts List

  • 100 CM Ballast Cargo Hold, attached to aft Grave Drive snap point
  • R-3000 Grav Drive, note that the Grav Drive attaches to the rear snap point of the Hope 5 Landing Gear, once Deck 1 is attached to the Lower Deck.
  •  360T Stellerator Reactor, snapped to the aft portion of the Control Station Hab
  • (2) M30 Ulysses He3 tanks, attached to reactor Starboard and Port snap points
  • (2) 220B Landing Gear, attached to the aft Starboard and Port snap points on the 2x1 Hab.
  • Nova Galactic Control Station (can be changed to another Hab if desired)
  • (2) Nova Galactic Braking Engines, snapped to the fore Starboard and Port 2x1 Hab snap points.
  • Magellan C1X Cockpit, attached to the fore snap point on the 2x1 Hab


Select all of the parts for Deck 1 and drag them over so that the 2x1 Hab stacks directly over the Lower Deck 2x1 Hab. The Hope 5 Landing Gear's forward snap point should connect to the reactor. Drag the Grave Drive and Cargo hold over and snap the Grave drive to the rear snap point of the Hope 5 Landing Gear. That should connect all of the pieces to avoid the Unattached Modules error.

If done properly, the Braking Engines will rest above the Stroud bracers and the 220B Landing Gear will be behind them.

Structural Accessories, Parts List

  • (2) Nova Radiator - Top
  • Deimos Spine C - Fore
  • (2) Vanguard Obliterator Particle Weapons, attached to the side points on the Deimos Spine
  • Marduk 1010-A Shield Generator

Note that none of these pieces, except the weapons, snap to each other. Drag the Radiators and snap them to the top of the Grav Drive and Reactor. Snap the Deimos Spine to the aft snap point on top of the 2x1 Hab. Attach the Shield Generator to the fore snap point on top of the 2x1 Hab.


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