Starfield Builds: Stormcrow


Crimson Flyboy Challenge Build


This is my entry into the January, 2024 challenge on Crimson Flyboy's Disord/YouTube channel. It is built from a Crimson Fleet Ghost III, but most of the guts have been improved. I decided to go with a bit of an asymmetrical design because everything else that I tried felt tired, like it had been done before.

When building, I figured an Explorer/Science ship would need to have lots of computing and control, hence both a Control Center and Computer Core. I also figured a Science lab would be a no-brainer and a Workshop to develop theory into practice. A place to sleep, cook food, and shower is essential for any long-range trip. Finally, a bit of cargo capacity would be necessary for bringing back samples.

I only lightly armed the ship with a couple of lasers and an EM weapon. In testing, I was able to take out three Spacer Hyena's of around level 30 (my character is level 52) at Hard difficulty. It was an appropriate challenge for a vessel that would really only need weapons to defend itself. That said, if whomever builds this has that handy Spheromak reactor and/or Aneutronic Fusion, adding in a third weapon system would really make it stand out.

Lore/Head Canon

The Stormcrow was originally a reconnaissance vessel used during the Colony War era by the Freestar Collective. Its powerful sensors and computing capabilities were designed to track UC fleet and troop movements and report back to Freestar command.

Like so many war assets, it was auctioned off after the war to fund reconstruction. It has been passed through a handful of owners since then, including Reliant Medical. Most recently, it was salvaged from the orbit of Beta Marae VI-B


Landing Gear Layer

  • (2) Hope 5 Landing Gear (these will be attached to the Main Deck)
  • (2) Hope 6 Aft Landing Gear (Port/Starboard), attached to Hope 4 Landing Bay
  • (2) Hope 6 Fore Landing Gear (Port/Starboard), attached to Hope 4 Landing Bay
  • Hope 4 Landing Bay
  • Deflector SG-50 Shield Generator
  • Accu-Lander 11 Landing Gear
  • Taiyo Cowling, Fore Bottom

The Stormcrow sports more landing gear than strictly necessary. This was an aesthetic choice so that the ship looks stable on the ground. There is one landing gear that must be flip merged, but only once the Main Deck is attached.

Main Deck

  • White Dwarf 3030 Engine, attached to rear point of reactor
  • 164MM Toroidal Reactor, attached to rear point of 2x1 Hab
  • HopeTech Control Station 2x1, portholes attached to Starboard connect points
  • Hope 11 Docker, Fore, attached to fore of 2x1 Hab
  • (2) Caravel V101 Cargo, attached to Reactor port side and Computer Core, foreward Starboard
  • HopeTech Computer Core 2x1, with porthole connected to forward port slot
  • HopeTech Companionway 1x1 with portholes in the fore, aft, and top slots.
  • HopeTech Workshop 2x1 with portholds on both port connect points and the foreward starboard point.

Drag Main Deck over to the Landing Gear layer. The Workshop should sit on top of the Taiyo Cowling and Accu-11 Landing Gear. Once that is done, flip merge the Port Hope 6 Aft Landing gear to the rear snap point.

Crew Deck


  • White Dwarf 3030 Engine, attached to aft point of Grav Drive
  • M50 Ulysses He3 Tank, attached to Starboard point of Grav Drive
  • R4000 Grave Drive, attached to aft point of HopeTech Storeroom
  • (2) Caravel V101 Cargo, attached to port side of Grav Drive and starboard forward of All-in-One Hab
  • HopeTech Storeroom Fuselage A
  • Armstrong 20E Cockpit
  • White Dwarf 1020 Engine, attached to aft, starboard side of All-in-One Hab.
  • HopeTech All-in-One 2x1, with porthole connected to forward port slot
  • HopeTech Science Lab 2x1, with portholes connect to starboard, port, top, and forward points (all). I submit this Hab as my observation room.

Drag all pieces over so that the two 2x1 Habs connect to the two 2x1 Habs on the Main Deck. The fuel tank should connect to the reactor.




  • (2) Nova Radiator - Top, attaches to top of Grav Drive and Engine
  • (2) HopeTech Marker A, attaches to the top of the All-in-One hab, both points
  • Note that the image shows the top portholes for the Science Lab here.
  • (2) Singe 4 MW Laser, attaches to HopeTech Storeroom Fusilage
  • Nullifier 1750 Suppressor, attaches to HopeTech Storeroom Fusilage



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