Starfield Builds: Toliman-class




It started with the Landing Gear assembly. I recently copied a build for a Star Wars vessel and it had these cool landing gear assemblies which consisted of the landing gear itself and some structural pieces. I wanted to create my own. I wasn't even going to build a ship. I was just testing build theory.

As it turns out, I just kept adding to it. As it started to take shape, I remember Crimson Flyboy's Vanguard Simulation ship build and incorporated some visual elements from that. Before I knew it, here was a ship. Sleek, sexy and waiting to be armed. Well, armed and painted as it turns out. Staring at it, I came up with some head canon, decided how it fits within the Starfield universe, and decided to make it a Vanguard ship.

Which begs the question as to why there are no Vanguard specific weapons or equipment installed. The short answer is that I was not yet in the Vanguard (for this NG+ iteration) and this was going to be my Vanguard ship. I have also been meaning to build more Laser/Ballistic ships and this was the one that I decided to implement. Okay, I got some Particle turrets but I think that's reasonable. The turrets are outside my control and it's nice that they do both types of damage equally well.

Head Canon/Lore

[SSNN Broadcast Transcription]

The UC Vanguard has greenlit the production of a new class of ships, dubbed the Toliman class, after the world overrun by Terrormorphs. Recognizing the need for more firepower to combat the growing threats from deep space criminal organizations, the Toliman class is said to be a fast response, combat vessel meant to directly engage hostile forces and survive extended tours in deep space.

The first of these vessels, the Londinion, is already entering its first trial phase and, if successful, will lead to the green light for the Aceles, Hadrian's Wall, and Percival.


For this build, I am changing the assumption that each layer is constructed individually and then dragged over to merge into the layer over or under it. There are just too many pieces that require a certain piece to be in place first. I will attempt to describe how each piece connects so that it (hopefully) makes sense.

I also painted the thing to approximate Vanguard colors. I've included the swatches below so that you can replicate them. I've included in the instructions, which color goes where. If a piece has multiple colors I separate them as First/Second/Third. My paint scheme is entirely optional.

Paint Scheme 

While not necessary for the build, these are the two colors that I used for the build. Top one is the Orange color, bottom is the Blue color that I used.











  • (2) Acculander 11 Landing Gear, painted orange, attaches to underside of aft Deimos Hull A
  • Deimos Engineering Bay 3x1, painted orange
  • (2) Deimos Skeg A - Fore, painted orange, attaches to underside of forward Deimos Hull A
  • (2) Galleon S202 Cargo Hold, painted orange, attached to center points of 3x1 hab
  • (2) Deimos Bumper, painted orange, attached to forward points of 3x1 hab
  • 120LD Landing Bay, painted dark blue, attached to front of 3x1 hab
  • (2) Deimos Skeg A - Aft, painted dark blue, attached to Deimos Tail pieces, once Structural layer is placed
  • (2) Deimos Skeg A- Fore, painted dark blue, attached to forward points of Infirmary and Control Station
  • (2) Acculander 11 Landing Gear, painted dark blue, attached to rear points of Infirmary and Control Station
  • NG-20 Landing Gear, painted orange, attached to forward AIO, just behind cockpit


Main Deck

  • (3) 2200 Supernova Engines, painted orange, attached to rear of Deimos Hull A pieces and 3x1 hab
  • (2) 600T He3 Fuel Tanks, not painted, attached to either side of middle engine
  • SGD-3300 Grav Drive, attached to front of starboard fuel tank
  • Assurance SG-1800 Shield Generator, attached to top of Grav Drive, bottom half sits behind Galleon S202 CH when vessel is assembled
  • SF-40 Sheared Flow Reactor, attached to front of port fuel tank, bottom half sits behind Galleon S202 CH when vessel is assembled
  • Deimos All-in-One Berth 3x1, painted orange
  • (4) Deimos Hull A, painted orange, two attached at the reactor and grav drive, stacked 2 deep.
  • (2) Deimos Braking Engine, painted orange, attached to front of forward Deimos Hull A
  • (4) Deimos Wing B, painted orange, attached to the middle point of 3x1 hab and forward Deimos Hull A to form a solid rectangular construct linking the 3x1 to the Hulls.
  • (2) Deimos Wing B, painted orange, attached to outer point of rear Deimos Hull A
  • (2) Deimos Wing D, painted orange, attached to outer point of forward Deimos Hull A
  • (2) PBO-300 Auto Alpha Turret, attached to top of Deimos Wing D
  • (2) Deimos Wing A, painted orange, these are flip merged in after the Structural layer is attached, as they slightly clip into the Deimos Tails.
  • Deimos Companionway 1x1, painted blue, attached to front of 3x1 AIO
  • Deimos All-in-One Berth 3x1, painted blue, attached to front of Deimos Companionway
  • Deimos Infirmary 2x1, painted blue, attached to starboard rear of Deimos AIO blue
  • Deimos Control Station 2x1, painted blue, attached to port rear of Deimos AIO blue
  • (2) Deimos Wing E, painted blue, attached to rear points of Infirmary and Control Station.
  • (2) Deimos Wing E Aft, painted blue, attached to forward points of Infirmary and Control Station
  • (2) MKE-4 Gauss Gun, attached to Deimos Wing E Aft pieces
  • (2) Deimos Wing A, painted blue, attached to forward points of AIO
  • (4) Blaze 2GW SX Laser, attached to Deimos Wing A top and bottom
  • DS 10.1 Phobos Cockpit, painted blue


After attaching the Undercarriage pieces:


  • (2) Deimos Spine G, painted orange/blue/blue, attached to rear Deimos Hull A
  • (2) Deimos Spine D - Fore, painted orange/blue, attached to forward Deimos Hull A
  • Deimos Spine E - Fore, painted orange/blue/blue, attached to rear point of aft AIO
  • Deimos Spine B, painted orange/blue, attached to middle point of aft AIO
  • Deimos Spine D - Aft, painted orange/blue, attached to forward point of aft AIO
  • Deimos Companionway 1x1, painted blue, attached to Main Deck Deimos Companionway 1x1
  • Deimos Spine D - Fore, painted blue/orange, attached to aft point of forward AIO
  • Deimos Spine B, painted blue/orange, attached to middle and forward points of forward AIO
  • (2) Deimos Tail A, painted orange, attached to rear point of Infirmary and Control Station
  • (2) Deimos Spine B, painted blue/orange, attached to top rear point of Infirmary and Control Station
  • (2) Deimos Spine A, painted blue/orange, attached to top front point of Infirmary and Control Station


Final configuration, after attaching the Structural pieces:


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