Starfield Build: Crangon-Class SFFTV


Crangon-class SFFTV


This ship is a continuation of the Small Form Factor Transport Vessel series. In this series, I take a Crimson Fleet Phantom II donor ship and build up a relatively small cargo ship for each manufacturer. From the Phantom II, I extracted the Reactor, Grav Drive, NG-20 Landing Gear, Fuel Tank, and Shield. For this build I replaced the weapons with particle weapons.

I decided to place the following constraints on the SFFTV builds;

  • 40m x 40m
  • A-class
  • Starter ship, meaning nothing that requires Ship Design, save for the parts scavenged of the Phantom II.
  • Less than 100k Credits out of pocket costs. This was easy, as the character only had 76k in her account.  
This build cost the Phantom II and 64k credits to complete.


Head Canon/Lore

Named after the Elk Crangon that wander the Akila plains, the Crangon is an entry-level Small Form Factor Transport Vessel from HopeTech. The Crangon is explicitly designed for a small company or individual pilot to begin their career with and then, later, expand outward to fit a variety of commercial needs.



Undercarriage/Lower Deck

  1. (2) Hope 5 Landing Gear
  2. (2) Hope 6 Landing Gear - Fore
  3. NG-20 Landing Gear - Wide
  4. Hope 4 Landing Bay
  5. (4) StorMax 30 Cargo Hold
  6. Tokamax X-150 Reactor
  7. (2) Pantopes Ares DT40 Engine
  8. HopeTech Cargo Hall 2x3
  9. (3) HopeTech Hab Spine
  10. (2) Horizon Weapon Mount w/PB-30 Electron Beam attached
  11. (3) Porthole

Note: Keep Hope 6 Landing Gear detached until the Main Deck is attached. Once Main Deck is attached, flip merge the two Hope 6 Landing Gear into place.


Main Deck

  1. (4) StorMax 30 Cargo Hold
  2. Hope 11 Docker, Stbd
  3. HopeTech Infirmary 2x1
  4. (2) HopeTech Hab Cross Brace
  5. Reladyne R 3000 Grav Drive
  6. HopeTech Engineering Bay 3x1
  7. Porthole
  8. HopeTech All-in-One Berth 2x1
  9. Bastille S82 Shield Generator


Upper Deck/Structural

  1. (3) Amun-3 Engine
  2. (2) HopeTech Thruster
  3. HopeTech Control Station 2x1
  4. Armstrong 10 Cockpit
  5. (2) M10 Ulysses He3 Fuel Tank



Build each deck as pictured. Leave the Hope 6 Landing Gear detached for now. Each layer easily snaps to the one below it, with the Reactor resting on top of the NG-20 Landing Gear and the Grav Drive resting on top of the Reactor. Once all of the decks are connected, flip merge the Hope 6 Landing Gear into place as pictured.


Upgrade Path

Like the other SFFTV ships in this mini-series, the Crangon-class is designed to be a Starter ship that will ultimately be expanded and upgraded by the player. Just about every single component can (and should) be improved.

Final Build


  1. That’s actually a pretty cool looking ship. I don’t think that side mount docker is used enough and comes out great on that build. Fine job.

    1. Thank you. I think I might build this one on a different character and expand it out into something akin to a Stronghold. See how it looks.

    2. Sounds like a good idea, especially with upcoming challenges for large ships


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