Starfield Builds: Gator-class SFFTV


UC Gator-class


After building the Poltergeist/Workdog, I just had the idea to do a bunch of Starter Build, "Pocket" Cargo ships. The first four were built on a single character, using a Crimson Fleet Phantom II as the donor ship. I would start from a save before any of the Pocket Cargo ships were built, construct the ship, save a new game, and then revert to the pre-build save. That mostly worked for the first four builds. The fifth one would not save and I suspect that there was save game corruption in the pre-build save.

Going back to the build, for each build, I extracted the Reactor, Grav Drive, NG-20 Landing Gear, Fuel Tank, and Shield. For some builds I would even keep the weapons but others I did not. I decided to place the following constraints on my builds;

  • 40m x 40m
  • A-class
  • Starter ship, meaning nothing that requires Ship Design, save for the parts scavenged of the Phantom II.
  • Less than 100k Credits out of pocket costs. This was easy, as the character only had 76k in her account.  

This build cost the Phantom II and 53k credits to complete.


Head Canon/Lore

Deimos hasn't stayed in business for hundreds of years and maintained the UC contract for more than a century by being blind to the competition's clever marketing strategies. Seeing HopeTech's introduction of the Workdog class, Deimos proposed a similar vessel to the UC brass. Seeing a strong military and emergency relief role for such a craft, the UC approved construction of the Gator-class Small Form Factor Transport Vessel (SFFTV)





  1. (2) Panoptes Ares DT-40 Engine (Port, Stbd)
  2. (2) StorMax 50 Cargo Hold (Port, Stbd)
  3. (3) Accu-Lander 11 Landing Gear (Center, Port, Stbd)
  4. (2) Deimos Belly - Fore
  5. NG-20 Landing Gear - Wide
  6. LD-120 Landing Bay


Main Deck

  1. (4) M30 Ulysses He3 Tank (2 Port, 2 Stbd)
  2. Deimos All-in-One Berth 2x1 
  3. (2) StorMax 30 Cargo Hold (Port, Stbd)
  4. Tokamax X-150 Reactor
  5. Deimos Engineering Bay 3x1
  6. Deimos Braking Engine
  7. Deimos Infirmary


Upper Deck/Structural


  1. (2) Pantopes Ares DT-30 Engine (Port, Stbd)
  2. (2) StorMax 40 Cargo Hold (Port, Stbd)
  3. (2) StorMax 30 Cargo Hold (Port, Stbd)
  4. Reladyne R-3000 Grav Drive
  5. Deimos Control Station 2x1
  6. Deimos Phobos DS10.1 Cockpit
  7. Dangan Pb RF Autocannon (mounted on top of Cockpit)
  8. 110 DP Docker - Top
  9. (2) Horizon Weapon Mount (Port, Stbd)
  10. (2) Flare 15MW IR Laser (mounted to Horizon Weapon Mount)
  11. Bastille S82 Shield Generator
  12. Deimos Cowling Fore (flip merged over shield



Construct each level as shown in the images above.

Detach the Cockpit from the rest of the Upper Deck. Drag every thing else over so that the Grav Drive rests on top of the Reactor on the Main Level. Drop Merge the Cockpit so that it fits above the Deimos Braking Engine.

Connect the Docker, Horizon Mounts and Shield to the top of the Control Station. Flip Merge the Deimos Cowling so that it covers the Shield.

Select the assembled Main and Upper decks and drag them over so that the Reactor rests on top of the LG-20 Landing Gear. Makes sure that the rest of the pieces are connected.


Upgrade Path

This is a Starter Build, intended for and built by a character in the middle teen levels. As a result, almost everything can and should be improved as your character levels. What I often fail to mention in these blog entries is that once you build this, it is yours to expand upon however you feel fits. Want it longer? Make it longer.

Final Build



  1. Awesome concept. So used to seeing Hoptech versions of cargo vessels that swing a Deimos is sort of jarring in this size range. Very cool build. Once again with the amount of habs, could easily grow with the character. Great job.

    1. Thanks. More Small Form Factor Transport Vessels are coming. Plus, as you mentioned, these ships can grow with the character. I am considering a few ideas about revisiting Starter ships and coming up with an intermediate and final version.

  2. Should say seeing not saying lol


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