Starfield Builds: Redshift




WARNING: This ship uses a fair amount of merging techniques to get the engine pods to look like they do. Rather than try to explain each step, please visit Crimson Flyboy's tutorial video on merging. I used the drop merging technique on those pieces.

That out of the way, this is my "entry" for the Discord Ship Building challenge. As this is an informal challenge, the only rule was to build a ship for a member of Constellation. 

I chose Noel, as she is the least developed character in Constellation. I don't play nice with the Constellation members, but I know that Noel is not a companion and, according to an online source, doesn't really have much of a backstory. That was perfect for me, as it gave me room to invent something whole cloth. And, if later on Bethesda gets around to giving Noel something more substantive than being told to shut up by Sarah, there are a whole lot of universes out there in the multiverse. My Noel dwells in one of them.


Head Canon/Lore

Even young people have a past. In Noel's case, before the Stroud-Eklund scholarship and subsequent Constellation internship, Noel was a racer. Specifically, she raced high speed yachts around Gagarin and throughout the Alpha Centauri system. Here she applied her technical skills and scientific knowledge to craft her own racing ship that she christened the Redshift, after the scientific name for the Doppler light effect of an object moving away from the observer. In her mind's eye, this was a sly reference to leaving her competitors behind as she sped away from them. A joke worthy of any science nerd.

Since her racing days, the Redshift has been upgraded with a powerful reactor, strong shields, and deadly weapons. In the rare instance that Noel has to travel into potentially hostile sectors, she is well equipped to handle hostile pirates or Va'ruun zealots.



There are very few components in this build, therefore instead of detailing each deck separately, I am going to consolidate the Fuselage into one section and the Engine Pods into another section.


  1. Ship Bed 200 Landing Bay
  2. Taiyo Infirmary Bottom B 2x1
  3. Taiyo Storeroom Bottom B 1x1
  4. Taiyo Control Station Bottom B 2x1
  5. Warden SG-400 Shield Generator
  6. Magellan C2 Cockpit
  7. (2) Horizon Weapon Mount
  8. (4) PBO-175 Helion Beam, 2 on Horizon Mounts, 2 on Cockpit
  9. (2) CE-39 Missile Launcher, Horizon Mounts
  10. (6) Porthole, 4 Bottom Deck, 2 Upper Deck
  11. Taiyo All-in-One Berth Top B 2x1
  12. Taiyo Science Lab Top B 2x1
  13. Nova Cowling TL-2F
  14. Deimos Tail A
  15. (2) Deimos Spine B
  16. Deimos Spine C - Fore
  17. Deimos Spine A - Fore
  18. Slimline Docker (not shown, attaches to underside of 1x1 Storeroom)


Engine Pods

The two sets of engine pods are very similar, using merge techniques to join together the fuel tanks with a HopeTech Radiator piece. The two Aft pods also add the Grav Drive and Reactor (one each) to the mix. In the photo below, I've broken out the Port side pods. The Starboard side ones are mirror images of the Port ones, so you can get an idea of what the finished product will look like



  1. (6) Amun-7 Engine (2 on each Aft pod, stacked vertically, 1 on each Forward Pod in the top slot)
  2. (4) Pinpoint 4G Landing Gear (1 for each pod)
  3. (2) Taiyo Cowling Aft (1 for each pod, attached under the Amun-7 engine)
  4. (4) Taiyo Braking Engine (1 for each pod)
  5. (4) 500T He3 Tank (1 for each pod)
  6. (4) HopeTech Radiator (1 for each pod)
  7. (2) Stroud Engine Bracer A (1 for each Forward pod)
  8. (Port) R-4000 Alpha Grav Drive ; (Starboard) 104DS Mag Inertial Reactor
  9. (4) Nova Thruster, mounted on 500T tank, opposite to the point that connects to the Fuselage.




Select all items on the Top Deck (Items 10-12), except for the Nova Cowling (13) and drag them over to connect to the Bottom Deck just in front of the Landing Bay. Flip Merge the Nova Cowling over the Warden Shield Generator. Select the Deimos Tail and Spine pieces (Items 14-17) and connect them to the top of the Top Deck, with the Deimos Tail connected to the aft point of the AIO and resting above the Landing Bay.

Connect Slimline Docker to bottom of 1x1 Hab.

Aft Engine Pods

Start with the Pinpoint 4G Landing Gear. Snap one of the Amun-7 engines to the Pinpoint Gear. Place the second engine on top of the first. Place the 500T Tank on top of the Pinpoint Gear. Snap the Taiyo Braking Engine to the front.

Now comes the tricky part. Drop Merge the Reactor/Grav Drive with the 500T Tank. Once done, Drop Merge the HopeTech Radiator with the 500T Tank and Reactor/Grav Drive.

Mount Nova Thruster to outside point of 500T tank.

Forward Engine Pods

Start with the Pinpoint 4G Landing Gear as before. Snap Taiyo Cowling Aft to the rear point of the gear. Attach the Amun-7 Engine to the top of the Taiyo Cowling. Place the 500T Tank on top of the Pinpoint Gear. Attach the Taiyo Braking Engine to the front of the assembly.

The only piece you have to merge this time is the HopeTech Radiator. Once that is completed, attach the Stroud Engine Bracer to the 500T Tank, facing the side of the fuselage you want to connect it to. We can now begin final assembly.

Nova Thruster mounted on 500T tank, opposite of Stroud Engine Bracer.

Final Assembly

Once all of the pods are constructed we can then attach them to the fuselage to complete the build. The Aft pods connect to the aftmost points of the 2x1 AIO and Infirmary Habs. The Forward pods connect to the Top Deck, above the Horizon Weapon Mounts.


Upgrade Path

The Redshift is an endgame compatible, fully realized ship. There really isn't a lot one might do to make her better. That said, customize the weapons to your needs. If you want, change some of the Habs around. Almost everything will be a side grade as opposed to an upgrade.

Final Build


  1. Wow, I didn’t realize it was a five hab build, that makes it even more impressive. I mean 5 habs is a lot of room for a ship that sleek. Fantastic build, I’m very impressed with it.

    1. Yeah. This entire build just sort of fell together in a very satisfying way. I even had to revise my original concept from racing ship to racing yacht, because of the larger than expected size.


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