Starfield Builds: Whippoorwill




After I designed the Black Sparrow, I decided to try to slim down the design to get it as close to the picture that Crimson Flyboy posted as a challenge to build. I was able to cut 16m off the total length but was unable to slim it down on the lateral axis. During the conversation with Crimson, the accidental similarity between my ship and the Chieftain from Elite: Dangerous was pointed out. I decided to lean into that with the DT-40 engines attached to the wings. As the wings could not support that, I drop merged two Deimos Bracers into them and attached the engines that way.

My starter ship was an Ecliptic Bayonet and that's where the Cockpit, Engines, and Shield came from. The rest of the ship was put together at the Outpost Landing Pad with Ship Builder console.


Head Canon/Lore

During the production phase of the Black Sparrow project, the Whippoorwill was one of the rejected designs. The project files were forwarded to the UC Marine Corp, who were looking for a fast response dropship due to a training incident that turned deadly when the marines were ambushed by Spacer forces. After reviewing the project files, UC Marine engineers submitted a revised, budget-friendly version for consideration.

A dozen or so Whippoorwills were commissioned and are currently deployed for field testing and assessment.




Lower Deck

  1. 100 DP Slim Docker - Bottom
  2. (2) Deimos Belly - Aft
  3. (2) Stroud Cap A - Fore, Bot (Port/Stbd)
  4. Pinpoint 4G+ Landing Gear (Taiyo Showroom)
  5. HopeTech Companionway 1x1
  6. NG-6 Landing Bay


Main Deck

  1. (2) Deimos Belly - Aft
  2. HopeTech Infirmary 2x1
  3. (2) 220 CB Landing Gear (Port/Stbd)
  4. (2) Nova Cowling 2F (PF/SF)
  5. (2) Disruptor Electron Beam
  6. Nova Cowling 2L-BA
  7. 134MM Toroidal Reactor
  8. HopeTech Control Station 2x1
  9. Equipment Plate
  10. Atl-Atl 270A Missile Launcher
  11. Samurai Cockpit
  12. HopeTech Armory (optional: Workshop) 2x1


Upper Deck/Structural

  1. (2) Ares DT40 Engine
  2. (2) Nova Wing (Port/Stbd)
  3. (2) Deimos Bracer (Port/Stbd) - drop merged into the Nova Wings
  4. (2) M30 Ulysses Fuel Tanks
  5. (2) Stroud Cowling 1LA (PT/ST)
  6. (2) Stroud Cap A - Top (Port/Stbd)
  7. Deimos Hull A
  8. R-2000 Alpha Grav Drive
  9. HopeTech All-in-One Berth 2x1
  10. Nova Cowling 2L-TF
  11. Deimos Tail A
  12. (2) Deimos Spine B
  13. Deimos Spine A - Fore
  14. Marduk 1010-A Shield Generator



Attach Slimline Docker to bottom of 1x1 Companionway on the Lower Deck. Select all pieces of the Lower Deck and drag them over to the bottom of the Main Deck. The Deimos Belly Aft pieces should connect to the bottom points of the 2x1 Habs.

Connect the Deimos Tail - A to the Aft point of the Deimos Hull A. Connect the Deimos Spine B and A pieces to the top of the Deimos Hull, Grav Drive, and Aft point of the 2x1 Hab. Select everything but the two Stroud Cap A and Nova Cowling Pieces. Drag the selection over to the Main Deck so that the front of the AIO Berth sits right behind the Atl-Atl missile launcher.

Flip merge the Stroud Cap A pieces to connect to the front of the Stroud Cowlings while covering the 3300 Electron Beams. Flip merge the Nova Cowling to attach to the front of the AIO Berth and cover the Atl-Atl Missile Launcher.


Upgrade Path

The Whippoorwill is a starter build, intended for characters in their teen levels. That leaves a a lot of room for upgrade and expansion. Almost every part can and should be upgraded as the character progresses.

The most notable change, other than the internals, shield, and weapons would be to change out the Stroud Cowlings for SAE 42xx engines. This will increase Mobility and even allow for some extra cargo. Each of the Nova Wings can mount a 100CM Ballast Cargo Pod that doesn't really detract from the appearance.

In the Port 2x1, I have a Workshop, but if you are not running a crafting character, that can be changed to an Armory, another All-in-One berth, or whatever you want to put in there. For role-playing the intended purpose of being a dropship, I would slot an Armory.

While this is, lorewise, intended to be a cheap, almost disposable craft, you could take it to the next level with a B-class Reactor and one or more turrets mounted on the Spine pieces. That would also give you access to some powerful shields, like the Vanguard or SG-series.

Final Build


  1. A very nice single player type ship. I really enjoy these multifunctional drop ship type builds as my play style is generally as a loner. Would be a great replacement for any of the earned ships in the game. Great job.


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