
Showing posts from January, 2024

Starfield Builds: Toliman-class

 Toliman-class   Introduction It started with the Landing Gear assembly. I recently copied a build for a Star Wars vessel and it had these cool landing gear assemblies which consisted of the landing gear itself and some structural pieces. I wanted to create my own. I wasn't even going to build a ship. I was just testing build theory. As it turns out, I just kept adding to it. As it started to take shape, I remember Crimson Flyboy's Vanguard Simulation ship build and incorporated some visual elements from that. Before I knew it, here was a ship. Sleek, sexy and waiting to be armed. Well, armed and painted as it turns out. Staring at it, I came up with some head canon, decided how it fits within the Starfield universe, and decided to make it a Vanguard ship. Which begs the question as to why there are no Vanguard specific weapons or equipment installed. The short answer is that I was not yet in the Vanguard (for this NG+ iteration) and this was going to be my Vanguard ship. I hav

Starship Builds: Panhandle-class Special Operations Command Vessel

Panhandle-class Introduction Strap yourselves in, this is going to be a long one. First of all, I realize that this build is not going to be for everybody. It isn't sleek. It isn't sexy. My wife says it it looks like a circuit board, looking down from above. I get that. If it isn't for you, that's completely cool. That said, this is my favorite build that I ever assembled. It was inspired by the Pik-Up but the character did not have that much money in the ol' Gal-Bank account so I started building. I started with a Crimson Fleet Phantom, because they have a Reactor with 20 power when all of the other A-class ships I was capturing only had 16 or 18. Heck, the Ghost only has a reactor on par with the Frontier. I knew this beast would need power. I just didn't know how much before it was all said and done. Then I started expanding and upgrading as I played the character. The ship went through many iterations, including a spell where I swapped in Nova Galactic All-i

Starfield Builds: Stormcrow

 Stormcrow Crimson Flyboy Challenge Build Introduction This is my entry into the January, 2024 challenge on Crimson Flyboy's Disord/YouTube channel. It is built from a Crimson Fleet Ghost III, but most of the guts have been improved. I decided to go with a bit of an asymmetrical design because everything else that I tried felt tired, like it had been done before. When building, I figured an Explorer/Science ship would need to have lots of computing and control, hence both a Control Center and Computer Core. I also figured a Science lab would be a no-brainer and a Workshop to develop theory into practice. A place to sleep, cook food, and shower is essential for any long-range trip. Finally, a bit of cargo capacity would be necessary for bringing back samples. I only lightly armed the ship with a couple of lasers and an EM weapon. In testing, I was able to take out three Spacer Hyena's of around level 30 (my character is level 52) at Hard difficulty. It was an appropriate challen

Starfield Builds: Hospitality

 Hospitality   Introduction The Hospitality is my first ever custom build. This goes back to early September, 2023 and is the first time I stepped away from just improving parts on whatever ship I was using (usually the Frontier) and crafting my own. At the time, I didn't really pay attention to Landing Gear thrust, passenger space, or anything like that. I just wanted it to look vaguely like the Republic Consular ship from Phantom Menace. I later found a decent build for that ship, but that was much later. I didn't even know about Mission Boards at the time. It would be another couple of weeks before I stumbled across one and even then, only because some outpost leader told me to check the Mission Board at her outpost. Once I found that you can even take passenger transport missions, all of those Living Quarters and All-in-Ones now had a use. Bonus. So here it is, my first build. Head Canon/Lore The Head Canon I had at the time was that the Hospitality was part of a class of s

Starfield Builds: Castigator

 Castigator  Introduction The Castigator was the first ship I built on my Level 100 Bounty Hunter when he hit NG+4. That character has all of the skills, to include the Science skills Astrodynamics and Aneutronic Fusion, as well as Piloting, Payloads, Shield Systems, and Starship Design all Mastered. As such, despite being an A-class vessel, it is pretty beefy. Like almost all of my ships, I like to have a healthy cargo capacity and the basic amenities like Workshop, bed, and Infirmary. It is a little fragile on Very Hard difficulty, but good piloting can often overcome that weakness. I haven't done the Vanguard Quest on this iteration of the universe, so it is using weapons from the vendor. Also, this character is the loner type and one of his skills is Isolation. So no crew. If you want to, you could swap out the Infirmary for a Control Station to add more crew for their bonuses. Anyway, let's get to it.   Head Canon/Lore At the time I built the Castigator, I hadn't reall

Starfield Builds: Cardinal Sin

 Cardinal Sin Introduction The Cardinal Sin is a light Class-A vessel designed for a single player and maybe a companion or two. It was constructed from a Crimson Fleet Ghost and can be constructed anywhere where Deimos parts are sold. This vessel was constructed on a Level 8 character. Lore/Head Canon The Cardinal Sin is a prototype HopeTech scout-fighter design that was taken as a prize by Crimson Fleet pirates and subsequently lost to a hunter from the Tracker's Guild. It was last seen in the Bessel system. Assembly Undercarriage Parts Hope 5 Landing Gear M10 Ulysses He3 Fuel Tank NG-6 Landing Bay Main Deck Parts 20S Protector Shield Generator, attached to rear of NG-6 Landing Bay and flip glitched into cargo hold. 100 CM Ballast Cargo Hold, attached to rear point of reactor. (2) White Dward 1020 Engines, attached to side points of reactor. 124MM Toroidal Reactor (2) Hope 55 Landing Gear attached to the rear side points of 2x1 Hab HopeTech 2x1 Hab configured for All-in-One berth

Starfield Builds: Edmund Halley

 Edmund Halley Introduction The Edmund Halley is just a fun little build I made for a character's early life. It has since been replaced but for the time it served, it did a decent job. Unlike its squat profile might suggest, this was not formed from a Spacer Racoon. Its origins instead stem from an Ecliptic Stiletto and some parts from the Outpost Landing Pad. I was going to drop some upgraded gear into it, namely an upgraded reactor, but I decided to leave it as built in the old save file. It's not the most glamorous ship, nor anything resembling an end-game build, but it is a good starter ship. Head Canon/Lore The Edmund Halley, named after the famed astronomer from Earth, is a custom built "kit" ship. The plans have been made available online so any casual enthusiast with enough resources could build a replica. Assembly Lower Deck Parts List Ship Bed 200 Landing Bay 100P Slim Docker, attached to the aft slot of the underside of the 2x1 Hab (4) Hope 6 Landing Gear,